留学スクエアへのアクセス / Access to Lieugak Square
JRご利用の場合 / Using JR Lines
JRご利用の場合、広島駅からは山陽本線宮島口岩国方面の電車、岩国駅からは山陽本線広島方面(Red Line)の電車に乗り、「西広島」駅で下車してください。広島駅からは3駅です。
Once you get off the Shinkansen at Hiroshima station, take JR Sanyo-line westbound train (Red Line) to Miyajima-guchi and Iwakuni. 3 stops from Hiroshima station is Nishi-hiroshima station. Nishi-hiroshima is the closest station to our office.

Once you pass through the ticket gate (exit), turn left and go straight.

Walk toward the right, and you can see waffle shop (kunugi) and Okonomiyaki (Hassho) shop. Pass by waffle shop (kunugi) and Okonomiyaki shop. Turn left on the road in front of Momiji Bank.

Once you turn left in front of Momiji Bank, walk straight. You can see post office on the right handside and Youme Mart (supermarket) on the left hadside, and keep walking straight.

Small crisscross intersection is ahead. Keep straight (you will see a railroad crossing from the intersection on the left handside.)

小さな十字の交差点を過ぎ、少し歩いていくと、左手にM's ビルと書かれた4階建の白いビルが見えて来ます(1階は空きスペースになっています)※但しこちらには駐車できません。
After passing the small crisscross intersection and with short walk, you can see a 4 story's white builiding with the sign of M'sビル on your left handside (the ground floor of this building is parking space)

※Please come to the entrance of this building and press 201 and 呼出 for the call.